Dedicated to her

she smiles
in the corner of my eye
I see her
stealing glances
of my innuendo
that I might want to make advances
but I'm not one to take chances
when I'm not sure
I wanna go down that road again

so for now my answer
to your rhetorical unvoiced question
that remains in suppression is
"would you like to do dances?"
of sorts,
it ain't even gotta be on the floor
I respect you that much more
it can be moves of your tongue
twisting phrases,
forming mazes,
which hold the key to your heart
and leaving me in dazes
indescribable with words

you excite that tingle in my spine
with a single utterance
of that which is in your mind.
I want to move to the melody
uttered by her sweet lips
as it parts from the one
soul provider

if only I could try it
not willing to hide it
my beautiful and exotic
allow me presence into your grace
my delicate, African violet


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