The Honeymoon's Over
So I have a lot of freinds that I talk to on a regular basis. But I have one friend in particular who has always been the one I would call in the event anything happened. I talked to her about everything and lately given all the added stress in life I have found myself without her input. Which means essentially, I'm dying. It's like when I didn't know what you thought I didn't care because we didn't discuss these things but when we did start talking about any and everything I appreciated what you had to say about the matter. Furthermore, this relationship wasn't one-sided. I always extend my shoulder to lean on whenever she has trouble that she wants to talk about or just a friend to cry on. However, lately she hasn't been returning my phone calls. Ok. No big deal. I'll just text her. Still nothing. Ok I'll text her. Nothing. Ohhhh man. Maybe she's busy. She'll call when she's free. One day passes. Two days go by. Three days gone. I'll just go and visit her at the dorm. Yeah, we'll do homework together. We have a lot of the same classes. I walk into the lobby and who should I see but my good comrade working at the front desk. "Hey, YOU WITH THE FACE!!! Where you been??" I say. "Nowhere." she replies simply. I try to shake the idea that she might be avoiding me and sit down at my normal place across the way from her and she resumes conversation with another mutual friend of ours. Apparently she had a broken her silence with her about matters that concern the pair of them. She seemed stressed and though I tried to resist the urge it came from nowhere, "What's wrong?" "Nothing," she said in a foreboding tone. "Are you sure?""Yeah, it's nothing just............stress." I wondered what it was but after insisting for a few minutes she seemed to be irritated with me so I dropped it. She and our mutual friend talked in hushed whispers and she kept her air of repressed anxiety about her face. She has been wearing this expression for well over a week now and I haven't the slightest clue what's wrong. Everytime I try to talk to her about whatever's bothering her she merely brushes me off or ignores me completely. Yesterday while at work with her I tried my luck as her spirits still hadn't brightened much since our last conversation, at least not around me they hadn't. I thought it was the yogurt I stole out the communal fridge that irritated her. I replaced it with a new box. I thought maybe that would set things right. It didn't. I thought maybe she was just stressed and needed sleep, but she's slept, ate, had a car accident, talked to several people who upset her life and still sge remains stressed and still does not let me in enough that I could do anything about it. But like I was saying we were at work yesterday when I tried to see what was the matter and she still brushed me off. I kept at it and eventually our boss, Ms. G asked "What's the matter?" "Why do people keep asking me that today? NOTHING is wrong!" she said sharply. "Well because if you could see the face you're making you'd be asking what's wrong too," replied Ms. G. I decided I wouldn't worry about it. I try to do homework in her building as often as possible, hoping on the off chance that she'll wanna finally come out and say "this" is what has been bothering me. I'm just not sure if there was something I did or said. I can't call it. She's working with me now on a group project. Of which I have already done my share of the work, but instead of feeling like I am working with my ace boom coom I feel like I am simply cooperating with a surly stranger. I don't know what to do but I sure wish I had someone to talk to besides this computer screen.
Hmmmm, Somtimes you don't get to know whats on a females mind, thats it thats all. ;-(