O Brother Where Art Thou?
So after spending nearly the entire day with my brother, and filling him in on the many misadventures of my life I find myself somewhere scratching my head and thinking about him. I'm so worried just because we all started off in the same place, and now we're all off on very divergent courses in our life. My younger sister is on her way to becoming a prominent anchorwoman and journalist. While I feel my way through with trying to decide whether I'm joining the PeaceCorps, the Navy, the Air Force, or TeachForAmerica program and while I'm discussing my plans my older sibling is rambling on about how he had robbed a few people, quit his job, had been wandering around staying with miscellaneous members of the family and discussing overall lack of a plan for life beyond the most narrow scope of tomorrow. We had time to discuss this as we were cleaning up one the kitchen and other section's of one my parents' rental properties. I did more cleaning than he. My brother was more like a supervisor with better stories. Anyway, while we talk I clean he elaborates on how after five months of working at the airport his idle mind got bored and he decided to quit after he couldn't take the mundane shenanigans of his coworkers. He talked about how he wanted to write a book, but didn't want to start on the draft, he just wanted "start up money." I was surprised about the book idea but it like so many other things that he suggested he could do, he had not the ambition to take the first step. I was even more surprised when he said that he had also thought about the Navy/Air Force and he said they didn't make enough money for him. Now in my research of the Armed Forces and their pay rates no you probably aren't going to come out a millionaire. But you will not be impoverished because their stipend is too meager and you want have to worry about having no marketable skills as they train too. But this wasn't a large enough destiny for my brother. He said something to the effect of how he wanted to be a millionaire and not have to work or have anyone in his family work, but he didn't give any of inkling of how he was going to get there. And this was starting to sound all too familiar. I had just heard someone giving a speech to Effie White in Dreamgirls that sounded something like this, "You want all the benefits of hard work with none of the responsibilities. If you want something in this world you're going to have to start proving it just like the rest of us." I think that's what he[my brother] is not realizing. People don't become movie stars or millionaires overnight. And he thinks that one day that will just happen for him. This man who is twenty-one years of age is so full of unfulfilled talent that I don't even know if there's any left in him because it may have all dried up by now. He is reminiscent of so many other inambitious blacks in America all sitting on their couches, in their basements waiting on welfare checks and reparations that will never come. What even more said though is that he has become complacent with this lifestyle and I haven't the slightest clue with how to light a fire under him. He was going try to go to school and appease my parents but that education will mean nothing if he still doesn't apply himself. My blood and next of kin is on a one way Road to Nowhere and I don't know how to turn his track around. He's lost in his own ignorant logic and I don't know how to show the right way when he keeps circumventing right back to where he started from. Lord help my family. God show my former hero the way before it's too late. O Brother, where art thou going?
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