What A Wonderful World

So despite my every inclination about the women that surround me right now I continue to feel the raving of imbeciles on an animatedly unintelligible level of bufoonery and though my facial expression begs them to shut their utter negligence combined with sheer uproar and the manner of which the people continue. I arrived at the conviction of wanting to shout "SHUT UP." when others around me are being extroverted caused me to become increasingly more introvertive. The date is the goddamn 19th and I will thank you to be silent. If the teacher proclaims something it would be each of these blinded black women & ethnic black men taking the designations of one who might have been making up a great deal whilst I attempted to find a source the abrupt loathing of my peers that had arisen when I could think no more. The clock ticking was like the sound of my mind's wheels turning the gears and cogs of frustration that worsen my personality and cloud my judgment with an anonymous indifference that rushed over and smothered me in an empassioned rage that blinded me to most of the logic the nincompoops and neanderthals know nothing of. I make a vow that today I will say nothing in a class I enjoy because of the people I grow to despise.


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