Who Dat is?

My two cents: Yes I agree with what everybody else has to say but you know the prejudices in me have a little bit more to say about it. When it comes to reality tv I don't watch it at all. I was sucked in a bit with things like American Idol and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, but then they all got old. The glitz and glam of false hopes on the doorstep of a forgotten reality we see every day in the mirror I choose to accept as my only reality. The problem reality is it's not always actuality. Things as they exist in real-time. And the dating shows slash match-making shows are the worse of them all.
Two things: One) Flavor of Love and all associated spinoffs, remakes, and counter-creations kill brain cells to view at any point in time. They like Maury, Jerry Springer, and all other shows such as these that target our demographic are meant to promote a social standard that prides itself on degrading our women, glorifying money as the cure for ignorance, and relishing in the fact that education or a lack thereof is the underlying source of most of these lost souls' ignorance. Not that a college degree could stop that nincompoop from shouting "FLAVA FLAV!!!!" every time he enters a room. But at least with some kind of intellectual mode of thinking could dare to imagine the black man in another way besides the Icy Imbecile.
Two) The problem with most of these game shows is not the false image of love that it's promoting. It's the false sense of self that is truly detrimental. If you spend three seasons, or hell even one, looking for a boyfriend, nay a husband, instead of figuring out why the past 15 relationships failed you've already broken up your marriage before you even meet Mr. Right. What VH1, ABC, and FOX and whatever else network should do is take the time one season and ask Tiffany why she keeps agreeing to come back for another season when just two seasons ago she was the same desperate love-seeker/actress trying to kiss her way into the heart of the show's "protagonist." I think it would be much more interesting to see a show called, "I Hate New York" and the entire theme would be getting to the heart of this poor, beautiful, black woman who at the root has low self esteem, is superficial, and may legitimately need a mother to tell her more than "Flava Flav is unacceptable," that this kind of self-loathing behavior is not becoming of any African Queen. I'm done.
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