Funny How Time

So I realize I haven't updated on here in a while. I will rectify that. For now though, here's a Senior Survey that our school newspaper, The Script, sent me. The always ask me for interviews and their stories are usually pretty good. Check out my answers.
1) What is your most memorable moment at Hampton?
it's hard to answer these kinds of questions without leaving something out, or discounting all the other great times I've had at Hampton. So I'll cite just a few great times here at Hampton University. Freshman year, meeting the girl I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. What we had was an amazing swirl of great passion, laughter, friendship, and companionship. Though it didn't last I will never forget her. She is an amazing person and I hope the best for her. Next would be the Alpha Beachhouse 2007. That was the best party of my life next to Senior Ball. They two separate experiences, but as far as drunken crazy madness is concerned, that one takes the cake. It was the year I won the Golden Ticket and got into all of Gamma Iota's events for both semesters for free. It was the best bit of partying I've ever done at HU. And definitely, all the friends I have made while here. There have been too many to name them all, but I will name the few that have stuck with me these four years: John, Chris, Reggie, and everybody else from Harkness Hall 3rd floor. Yall are my brothers for life.
2) What will you miss about Hampton?
Definitely, all the people I just mentioned. It's funny being closer to some of my dudes here than I am to my blood brother. But they've been the ones that have been there for a series of firsts at Hampton, ya know? They've watched me grow and I have watched them grow. We've studied hard together and partied even harder. I'll be sad to see all of them go, because they really mean alot to me. I just hope that we'll all be able to stay friends beyond HU. I know it'll be an adjustment not being able to see all of them everyday anymore. But I'm hopeful for the future and with any luck, God will keep all of us as tight as we are now.
3) What will you not miss about Hampton?
I won't miss the runaround. I mean, it's not fun to do. But I guess it makes you stronger because everybody goes through it at some point or another. That's what helped to strengthen the bonds we've made here because we were all struggling in one common plight. It's been us against the Administration; us against the Harbors Leasing Manager; us against Mr. Cullen; us against the world. And in the end you realize it's really been the "us" that has made the struggle all the more worthwhile, because we've made it.
4) What advice would you give to freshmen?
I would advise them to get things done early. Start on assignments tasks, friendships, fights, love, job searches, Greek life, networking, everything you can early. Take things in stride because HU has a funny way of not always giving you exactly what you want. Find a solid group of friends you can count on. And be a friend that people can count on. If there's one thing I have learned in four years it's that Friendship really is essential to the soul. There is no getting around the fact that everybody at some point or another, needs somebody else. These friendships are stronger than those from high school, because it's been you and your friends playing, working, breathing, and living right here on top of you while you've been here. Whether you live on- or off-campus there is always someone there that can either make or break your time here at Hampton. And you know whether or not you're gonna make it based off the people that surround you. Without that solid group of people who care about you, it's hard to make it through these four years. But I would tell all of these freshmen to just enjoy the ride, because once it's over, it's over. And the journey goes alot faster than you think. Stay close to God. And always follow your heart.
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