Without A Word

Something in the need to free my brain from ideas about Otherness and Difference. Social constructions that generated social pariahs made something in me terribly disturbed at the fact that none of the people that I was surrounded by felt the tension that I have all year. No one has felt the impending danger of not finding a purpose for their lives in time for graduation. No one has felt the swift urgency to definitively say this is what I shall be doing with my life for the next year or so. And no one bothered to care why I was always so irritable. The prospect of Graduation is an appetizing one, but it is as much a burden as it is a joy. And though my insides are writhing in feverish pain and an itch to be free from the pressures of drafts and defenses, girlfriends I can’t spend time with and homies that forget to return your phone calls. It is a difficult conundrum to have the weight of the world pressing upon you as you stand at the threshold of Adulthood. Letting myself go I am now floating rapidly down the dense rabbit hole in hopes that this Wonderland called life is as exciting and frightening as they say it is. I must hold fast to the Lord and pray for the rain that I know will help my seeds grow. Ehhhhh, better pack an umbrella just in case.
Oi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer um pouco a respeito do Brasil. Abração