Hold On To Your Thrown

So with everyone trying to decide what the Finals are going to look like, it seems glaringly obvious what ESPN and the American Market would like to see in the NBA Championship game but it’s not going to happen. With the current attention that surrounds the Chosen One it’s still easy to see how the league’s monster fares against the well-oiled machine that is the Orlando Magic. There hasn’t been a very tight game being played by the Cavaliers. Many of their fast breaks and screen setups have resulted in careless turnovers and sloppy layups that they can’t always get to fall. What’s going on Lebron? I know that you have the measurements of Zeus himself, but if that’s the case stop playing like a mere mortal waiting on pawns to meet your godlike stature.
Let us look to the example of the Titan, Dwight Howard for how you should conduct yourself. Howard makes sure he gets the easy buckets, finishes what his teammates start, make all of your free throws sir, and please play at a pace that you set, not one that the other team tries to hold you to. Please, get the rebounds Lebron. There were a few times in third quarter where Superman sent defenders flying as he recovers the rebound. Where is that kind of intensity King James? Where is that kind of hunger that you displayed every time you have covered your face with the towel and man-wept. If you really have that dedication then follow the people you have watched play this game for all the time you have been in the NBA.
Take the example of your fellow mutants in the way that they control their mutant blasts to power dunks, super reverse shots, well developed three-point shots, and stellar rebounds. You can do this. I know you can. Granted, I think you’re still too young to really understand what they say about you. According to everybody, you will one day be the Great Unstoppable One. But for today, like Samurai Jack, like Gohan, like Inuyasha, and Anakin Skywalker, you still have a ways to go and some time to wait before you come into the full wisdom of your greatness. Sorry King James, but it looks like your coronation might have to be postponed another year.
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