Missing You

Watching all the pictures of high school thru senior year of college scroll thru on my laptop I couldn't help but be a little saddened today. It's funny how something that seems so insignificant, i.e. being in college, can be such a short-lived moment. And even though you're surrounded by other friends and family of yours at home it's never really the same as when everyone was at school. When you could call up a friend at 10:30 in the morning and say "let's get drunk" and it's okay because we're skipping the same 12:30 class. It's cool to go out and have a night on the town. But there's still something special about being able to sit in the house getting high with your friends just talking about life or playing videogames, that makes this move into the next phase of life a little bittersweet for me. I know life is about "change" and "moving to the next step", but part of me just feels like my heart hasn't quite caught up to my brain who knows I have to let all of this go. As a result, I find myself crying (just a lil bit) because I know even if and when I hang out with some of my old favorites in our respective cities it's still going to be nothing like our Home By the Sea. Our Home, by the Sea.....mmmm. I really did think of it that way. Especially since my parents have moved a countless number of times since I graduated high school. This place isn't home. And no matter how much I suppress it, I know I left part of my heart in the 757. I only wish I could have held on to it a little while longer. I will treasure those friendships for a lifetime. And no, everyone didn't last the whole ride, but they all make up an experience that I am having the hardest time trying to push from my mind. I loved them. I just don't know what's left of me in this place, with such a huge chunk of me scattered in so many hearts across the US and the world right now. I'll just be still a while. Till it all comes back to me. *tears* We could never make thee a song.
awww jamalc i love this!! its brit by the way lol. i just finished moving all my shit back into my parents house and i texted reg "im depressed" and i stayed in my room for the rest of the night. its like it just hit me that college is over and everybody is gone. four years was over in a flash it feels like. and like u said, even when we all get together again its not gonna be the same and its really hard to digest that. but i try to think about the exciting new things we r all going to be facing soon. like marriage and babies and real jobs which equals real money which equals AWESOME SHOPPING! heehee.. anyways, to make myself feel better i think about how much fun its going to be to get carter drunk as shit at her bachelorette party or how great its gonna feel to hear ur future child call me "auntie brittany" and i feel a lil a better :)