Fear of Flying

So as I watch my dreams of South Korean teaching slip further and further through my hands I try to keep myself together. There's so many things that I have been trying to keep under control and mainly is this overwhelming sense of placelessness. I listened to the Avenue Q soundtrack yesterday and went to tears balling. "What Do You Do With a B.A. in English?" and "Purpose" never felt more heartbreaking than right now. The comforting words of friends are probably the first real thing to make me feel better since Korea said they wouldn't pay for my airfare. And I know there are other ways of getting these things to work out, but sometimes I have such trouble. God, if you're listening I really need a miracle here. I am so afraid of this future that seems looming over me all the time. I can't breathe sometimes at night for sake of the fact that all I ever wanted to do is make my parents proud. And for one of the first times in a while, it seems that they're worse than mad. They're disappointed. I can't bare their looks sometimes. Their questions that I don't have answers for. Their speculation about what I am about to do with my life. This was the same existential crisis I had just before graduation, because there's not really a class out there that teaches you about yourself. There's no one place that says, "what do you want to do with the rest of your life? what's going to sustain you?" I look at some people that end up locked in jobs they hate, because there weren't many options at some point or another. And as a child I always vowed that I would never be one of them. Well, it looks like I might become a hypocrite today. Today, the militant rebel is defecting to the enemy to save himself. How the hell am I going to fight in the struggle now? What do You want for my life God? Why can I not see all the things working for the good of they that love the Lord? Am I not in love with You as much as I thought? Or are You not in love with me as much as I hoped? Dear Lord, please prove me wrong.
awww boo don t fret you are not the only one who feels like this...we all feel like this. my mother has become worse than a bill collector when it comes to asking me about which jobs i have applied for what i m doing after graduation...what i am doing right now this summer without income. i feel that they really are more worried then they are disappointed because (and only because) they don t want us to have to struggle like them. in fact, in their eyes, they have struggled just so we wouldn t have to. just be still and let the goddess guide your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the honesty of your post & although graduate school is secured in my future, I, too, have had the fear of flying. Despite your fears, continue to pursue the things that you love babycakes. God has put wonderful talents and gifts inside of you. Continue to seek Him and He will show you exactly where you ought to be. Make yourself available to listen to His direction. Of course we have to be practical and find a source of income, a way to spend the bulk of our days but keep an ear open for Heaven...He loves you more than you can imagine! And I love you too! :)
ReplyDelete"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt 11:28-30
ReplyDeleteTrust in God with all your heart man. Let him do the impossible and live to please HIM. Let no-one else take his place and let him fulfill every promise he has made to you. He promised to take care of all of your needs so know that no matter what door opens, it will be one that has been especially formulated for you.
He has plans for your life MALC...plans he's been putting in store since the foundation of the earth. He has no intention of condemning you to a life of mediocrity. You are a chosen people and a holy nation, a people set apart and belonging to God. TRUST IN HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND REBUKE THE LIES OF DOUBT!
Stay strong man...
Trusting him means holding him at his word for the promises he has made you and knowing that he'll fulfill them...