Gettting Your Ears Lowered

While sitting waiting to get my hair cut at the barbershop I decided to have a meditative moment. Humor me. While I will admit I had been threatening to grow my hair out again so that my parents would rush me here it's always something pretty awesome about the whole process. The last time that I had gotten a cut was at the beginning of the month. My cousin's wedding was the following day. My little cuz, Kareem the Dream, was in town hanging with me most days. I had my hairline shaped up and my moustache and goatee nearly cut off. I tried out a new look with it. I changed my mind twice about wanting to wait on one company with South Korea and found another recruiter altogether and landed back in the middle. Still jobless. Still trying to stay optimistic about South Korea. Still looking for work that might suffice in the event this doesn't pan out. I'm not dead. I'm not alive and well. I'm just somewhere in between and ambivalent towards the whole situation. But you know what, God is still good. And what this hair cut proves is I'm still growing. Still changing. Still learning each day. Still having things that God has to trim up for me. And I still have some things to go through. So I am grateful, if a little agitated with being in the Transitional Phase of my life, which seems to be taking forever. But maybe just maybe, it means that on the other side of yet another miraculous Metamorphosis the Almighty is putting me through I'll come out a more refined, more appealing, more intelligent me, in much better shape than I was prior to. Hmph. That's cool I guess, I should just sit down in the Master Barber's chair and trust that he won't give me a skint Even Steven wit a jacked up hairline. Fellas know what I'm talking bout. Okay God. I'll have a "Even all Over" low ceasar. Waves on dock. A 1. With the back boxed off. No tapers.Long sideburns. And try to tighten up that calic that's in the middle of my head. Oh yeah, and can you make it a completely painless process. Well, maybe not completely painless, because I know you gotta burn off all the bad stuff with that alcohol at the end. But I trust you. Hook it up. Good looks Hova. Preciate it.
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