The Isolationist

Sitting in the house for six days straight each week is something straight out of a horror movie for me. I am quickly growing restless sitting in the same place day and night. Barely even feeling compelled to shower and get on my normal websites to search for a job. I manage each day to wash the dishes and watch a bit of On Demand, but even that is getting old fast. I can't deal. Being in this Recession and waiting to hear that light has been found at the end of the tunnel is a mind-numbingly tedious process that has exasperated me to no end. And I hear I'm not the only bachelor's degree holder in desperate search of a place of employment in their post-graduate life. The jobs that we would have been able to easily fall into have been taken by candidates overqualified for the position and easy run-of-the-mill jobs are being held down by former businessmen and women trying to keep all the wheels turning in their own households. Thus, we land in an uncomfortable limbo where we are forced to remain in our parents house long after the "Nesting Period." And the parentals are even less thrilled since they thought their little chickadees had fled the coup four years ago. Ugh. Relationships become strained under the weight of an unemployed young adult ready to cling to anything other than the bosom which nursed him to the point that he's at now. What's more, the would-be Empty Nesters each inundate the graduate with a barrage of quandary that he or she cannot respond to because they have no control of their current economic crisis. Humor leaves a once light relationship. And if no one's laughing that means one thing. Tempers flare very easily. As a result, I opt to lock myself in my room and in my own little world. Trying to hold on to the last bit of sanity I have. And when I wake most days the whole house is empty. Thus, my isolation is complete. And the cycle continues. My résumé is floating all over the Internet. There seems to be some sort of nationwide freeze on hiring though. I need the government to find a way out of this tragedy, because it is driving me absolutely mad. Waiting here, day in and day out. God and I are actually not on speaking terms right now. Neither are my parents and I. I am just so ready to leave. It's time. I've worn out my welcome. And I frankly, I don't care anymore where I go. I'm hopping on the first thing smoking. And if that doesn't pan out, I'm running away to join the circus. I can't juggle fire, but I'll learn. What's a few minor burns here and there. Anything's better than just sitting here.