Patience is A Virtue

I am really enjoying God's presence here lately. I know part of me wants to get mad at Him. Yell about a job. Whine about uncertainty. And cry to Him that I still am uncertain of my Purpose. But God knows the plan that He has laid for me. He was there at the beginning and end. Therefore, I am unmoved anymore by the doubt the devil tries to whisper to me. Sometimes at night I can feel that creeping feeling and when I do I have to go right ahead and pray in earnest that I can sleep easy knowing the Big Man Upstairs is on the job. And without any hesitation God sent me a word on Sunday. A Word about patience.
Pastor was teaching from Genesis 14:30. It was at this moment when Abraham had come to set free Lot in the city of Sodom. Lot as it was interpreted by my Man of God, represents all of the fleshly things of this world that we refuse to give up and follow the Lord. Abraham left his entire family, friends, and homeland because God told him to move, but for some reason he had to bring Lot. Lot was a man who pretty much hasn't grounded himself in the Lord yet. As a result he always finds himself in some sort of mess. Thrown in prison. Selling his wife. You get the idea. And it is at this point that we can try to understand why God uses Lot as an example in the Word. Lot was a man of impatience. Even walking next to the one of God's Friends (a phrase not to be taken lightly) Lot still couldn't wait on his blessing. He goes and sells his wife, pretending her to be his sister, for gold that he squanders away. Lot represents that impatience we as Followers of Christ can sometimes possess. Or rather that can possess us. If Lot had the patience of the Lord in his heart he would know that God was going to stand by His Word. My Word shall not return void. But Lot took it upon himself to act and that leaves it so that Abraham must mount up an army to come to His rescue. What this moment in the Bible should teach us is we have to be able to stand on God's Word and know that He shall stand by us. We are not in this thing alone and the sooner we cast all our cares in the Lord the sooner we can find that peace in times of trial and moments of prosperity. According to my Pastor, "Patience is the ability to endure until the Promise comes to pass." Well, that said then that means what we must simply endure! Hold on! Hold fast! Keep on keeping on. Whatever way we need to say it, we as Children of God must understand that God's got our backs. He's going to hold us down. And He's always looking for somebody to ride out wit Him. Ya feel me? God is simply asking us to have faith in Him and know that all the things that we worry about don't truly matter. Not trusting God means we may act on our fleshly wants ; trusting our own instincts. And in the process we abort our destiny and ultimately lose our way. Hmmmm. I wonder what it must mean then if we believe the Promise of the Lord with our whole heart? Trusting God means binding our flesh. Following the destiny He has laid out for us and ultimately that will lead us in His Way. What better direction can one go? Patience is a virtue my friends. So for now, I know I'm gonna do. I'm gonna put on my dancing shoes and praise Him til He takes me to the next level. That's what faith in Him is all about.
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