You've Got Mail

In my experience with the Internet there have been quite a few people that I have met that were legitimately interesting. Even more still, there were even some people with positive energy flowing from their pores and more importantly from their blog. I enjoy going to different people's worlds that they have created on this, the Information SuperHighway. What's intriguing about this form of communication is that it can be very one-sided if you allow it to be.
But sometimes you meet those rare exceptions, people who have common interests as you. Keen intellect like you, plus a knack for stating those clever inner workings of society that you thought only you noticed. These are people I am grateful the Net has brought to me. Along with allowing me greater insight into some of the amazing people I know in "real life," it affords me the chance to engage in valuable dialogues with people I have never met. And I wonder what would it be like to actually meet one of them?
No, I'm not necessarily condoning Internet dating or trying to find your soul mate on the World Wide Web. But what if you could? What if that wonderful person who was on the other end of the keyboard, pouring wisdom into your soul was the One that God has set aside for you to at least, give an honest gander at? Wouldn't that be something?
It may be the hopeless romantic in me, and I know it's highly cliché. But with all the mess that exists on here, it's really exciting when you meet an individual so perfectly fashioned in your mind, that you have to remind yourself maybe they're not the person they present themselves to be.
But who's to say what's real? And why can't that actually be a strong indication of where they fall in the grand scheme of datable and psychopathic. While I will admit, there is more to me than this blog could ever really encapsulate, I think you can still gage a great deal from it about who I am. Hell, there are things on here that my family might not even know about me, simply because they never took the time to look this way.
I know I might not be making any sense right now, but it's alright. Let's just say this blog is dedicated to the shiny armored mystics and long-haired damsels that make all of this fairytale land we've created worthwhile. Even if it's only in my head.
At 9:10 a.m. on a Saturday morning I logged on to the computer intrigued, yet, again as to what is on the Corners of Majik1987’s mind.
ReplyDeleteIn my world, in my being, and in my psyche I’ve always been alone. I couldn’t possibly expose the world to snippets of my goofiness, my complexities, nor my oddities. Yet, I did and was ready to welcome criticism.
But, the funny thing is criticism was eluded by optimism. Acceptance, great laughs, exceptional commentary and dialogue swoon b-wood’s world and it felt wonderful.
This Information SuperHighway became my fertile ground to be smitten by the idea of love, intellect from like minds, and an introduction to other people experiences, life, and triumphs.
So am I a hopeless romantic? . . . Absolutely! Could it be real, or am I in some mind-bending avatar? I guess only time will tell.
But, for right now, at this defining moment in time, I’m ceasing the moment and galloping on your post rich with character, sheer, non-fading, nor superficially traits to let you know. . . You’ve Got Mail!
You're such a girl. Jk jk I kid. But you always were the consumate romantic. Even if only in the corners of your mind. It's true people may reveal a special part of themselves on the internet that they keep hidden in real life. But as you alluded to there is no way to fully see a person. You are seeing them as they wish to be seen. You won't see how they forget to return calls or aren't considerate of others feelings or forget certain aspects of personal hygeine or how they flip out at waiters. You won't see how on certain things you and dream girl may not just be compatible. But it's fun to dream. And it's fun to think that maybe just maybe your Meg Ryan is out there just a mouse click away.
ReplyDeleteI firmly believe that we're all romantics at heart... Simply put: we were created to love. I think people try so hard not to be, try so hard not to be hurt and then forget who they really are/were/will be...or i guess...more importantly...they forget what they were created to do and who they were created to create with...
ReplyDeleteLove, Peace and Bacon Grease...