Steal Away

It's a very interesting season for me right now. I have spent a great deal of time being so angry with God that sometimes I couldn't see the miracle of this time He's given me. Today started out an interesting morning. Interesting because for the first time in two weeks my unemployed self woke up after and went to work out. Nothing really odd about that, except that for the past couple weeks I hadn't really felt motivated to exercise. I didn't really have the emotional energy that that sort of physical activity sometimes requires. But today I did my normal 3-mile course around our subdivision, followed by a little bit of lifting. And something about it felt really good. The running gave me time to think while I focused on controlling my breath. The lifting gave me strength that I need to endure. And the stretch gave me a chance to get back flexible to things that might be otherwise uncomfortable. The whole workout was really kind of cleansing, I must say. But that wasn't where my good mood came from today. After my workout I decided to call the phone company to check on a discrepancy I had on my bill. As usual they kept me on hold for a good bit of time while I waited to speak to an agent. Finally someone answered and the agent was friendly and open to hearing my complaint. She told me to check a few things online and if I was still unclear give them a call back. I did. And there was still some issue with a few miscellaneous charges. I grab my phone and redial their customer service line. This time, I get a more surly woman with an attitude about my issue. She complained that this wasn't something that hasn't happened to people before and hung up the phone on me. Now, I don't know if yall know this, but I can have a very short temper at times. I was about to call this woman back and tell her exactly where sh could go. But I remained calm. I called back and got the first woman I had spoken with. I learned her name was Mia. She was pleasant and sweet about explaining their company's new policy that had changed in the past 6 months. And I was still persistent about my issue. I told her about the other representative who had hung up on me, and asked her if that's how they treat their customers. Mia assured me that they intend to treat each and every one of their customers with the utmost respect, and she apologized on behalf of the rude woman and her entire company. She adjusted my bill, and told me to have a wonderful day. I know not why this made me feel so good, but it altogether made my day. It filled me with a great peace that I cannot even begin to explain. But I'll try. It just seemed like there have been many things as of late that have been out of my control. Calling their customer care help line felt like I was doing something productive that was well within my realm of control. And just when I was about to lose it because someone had pushed me to a spot that made me feel powerless and angry again, God sent a message that said, "Hey, you need an attitude adjustment." The time I have spent "chilling" in the house could be spent improving myself. Making myself ready for the great things that are sure to happen soon. And here I was, complaining and talking about all the things I was so ready to be past. Thanks be to God that He doesn't flinch everytime we decide to throw a temper tantrum and cry about things. I will spend the rest of my days working out, reading, writing, and meditating to prepare my heart for the marvelous things I know my Creator has in store for me. Thank you Mia for reminding me that God is still in control and there are still things that we can do to get to that place where he can fill in the gap. I'm going to make today better in my head by making today better in my heart. Let's get started.
Well honey you are not alone..always remember that even though your mind and heart have weird ways of tricking you into thinking you are the only one and every bit of success you hear from others makes you cringe. keep your eye on the prize my dear and as long as that body is healthy, that mind will follow suit.