I've been meaning to do an update on how life is shaping up, but life has been quite hectic. Here's my life in a nutshell: New York moves fast. I have been trying to catch up to its speed. Thus far, I've been doing alright, but I have to hit the ground running each day. After being here only three days and beginning my job hunt I landed a great job that while exhausting is absolutely perfect for me. I work for a non-profit organization in Spanish Harlem servicing African American and Hispanic children with a Pre-Kindergarten and Afterschool Program. I really love what I do. I have gotten to experience both sides of this job in only two weeks. The instructive side that allows me one-on-one time with the children as an Early Childhood Educator. Let me say this, the kids are hilarious. Filled with so much life and so many lessons to learn about patience, trust, and true kindness within one's spirit. Some children are introspective, extroverted, vulgar, charming, bilingual, cute, and somewhere in between it all. I love it. And on the other side of my job, the administrative side, I get the opportunity to sit in the big chair and learn the brains behind the entire operation. While challenging in its own way I find it is extremely useful in teaching some of the same ways and allowing the chance to properly learn organization from the broad prospective of acting as someone else's "boss." It feels weird. And since I'm not as good of a delegator as I could be I have been working on my people skills, while changing the game up a bit and leading by example. I have had the opportunity to see what it is like to network on a really grand scale. My boss and I have attended two galas since I started which allow me time to meet new and important business partners and brush up on my Spanish simultaneously. It feels a bit like a feeding frenzy sometimes, but I felt magical when my boss whispered that I needed to hurry and get business cards made up so that I could start networking even more. I look forward to the opportunity. And I thank God for this marvelous opportunity. He truly did come and work double time in my situation. I owe God everything that I am. I am moving in His Spirit and I ask that every thing I do be a reflection of His Light shining in my life. Well, I gotta get to sleep now. Work starts at the crack of dawn and I've got to hit the ground running. P.S. Take a look at these pics and video below. Some of the good, bad, and ugly of my job. I'll let you decide which is which.
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