Routine Check Up

I'm heading to the doctor's office today for my annual physical that I have to get for work among a million other pieces of paperwork that I need to be legitimate. It's more busy work to engage in. Nevertheless, I'm thankful for a quick moment to clear my head during the week. It's usually so hectic I haven't time for introspective musings. But here we are once again. The Almighty has a funny way of arranging a timeline and schedule that is so much more useful than our own. I thank Him for allowing me a patient heart that helps me to align with His Divine Perfection. Anyway, the doctor checked the usual. My vitals. The usual you know. Blood pressure. Heart rate. Height-weight proportionality. Told me to the normal get a physical each year. Diet and exercise. Brush your teeth twice a day. Etc, etc. And I guess that's what I expected but him saying "you're perfectly healthy" made something inside of me realize how good life is right now. Correction: it made me realize how good God is. When I was going through in Atlanta, feeling abandoned, alone, and unhappy. Basically, in the depth of my depression when I felt that there was no escape from my lonely and meaningless exist the Father preserved me. Now, I'm not saying it was a painless preservation. Or a carefree time in my life, but it gave me much time to contemplate how I had come to be in the position I was. I had come to that point, by trying to do it on my own. I had reached that spot by acting on my own and clearing it with God afterwards. But when we choose to act without the anointing of the Father He has a most peculiar way of showing us that He is still in control. In all His Omnipotence is caring enough to let us know He has not forgotten us. In all His Omnipresence He is never too big to come and sit with us and be the Comforter we love. In our darkest hours He kept us. In our lowest moment of loneliness He came and kept us company in a way like no other could. In our time of greatest need He gave us the Hope and Will to know that everything is all right or it soon would be. There's this hospital commercial that comes on here in New York City. It shows a woman running. She says now that she had her special surgery she doesn't take a single beat of her heart for granted. That's kind of how I feel. The doctor's issue of a clean bill of health reminded me that though I felt no one could hear my call, God heard my most desperate prayer and protected me from the situations that could have been so much worse. In the end, it was His Love that took care of me most. And on this day I am thankful that I have the best Primary Healthcare Provider in the World, paid for not with an HMO, but the blood of Jesus.
im just so glad things are looking up for you and I. Id love to interview you for my blog soon. IF you have ever bothered to look at mine....its what I do.