The Incubation Period

So, there are many ways you could take that title, but this one is not talking about some magical bubble of modern medicine that preserves a preme hatched before its time. This is not a tribute to the many wonders and pleasures of modern-day science. And I shall not be addressing the disadvantages mothers put themselves in without pre-natal care. No, I'm talking about relationships. You know those good ones. Actually, I shouldn't say that. The new ones. Yeah, that's more like it.
People always have what they call "the honeymooners" phase that they go through when relationships first start. And they're happy. Seems like everything is on. They're into you. You're into them. They're pretty. They think you're handsome. She's attracted to you. You're attracted to her. Dates are going pretty well. And she can dance her ass off. There's a glimmer in her eyes and you know that there is something that suggests you all could pursue this more seriously. Ahhh, you're young what's the rush. Just see what happens the older adults say, but me I know better. So this time, while I am enjoying the happy euphoria of beginning something new with someone I've just met I brace myself for what comes next. But it's terribly exciting. And you don't wanna mess up. You don't wanna damage something so fragile.
Like that prematrue babe who fell out the womb a month too soon, the relationship is still delicate. Still developing the tools it needs to survive and if you're not careful the slightest tear in your plastic container could let all the air out and suffocate your beautiful baby relationship. So for now I'm "babysitting." I'm watching patiently on the other side of the plastic casing and hoping that its vitals remain stable.
I'm going to nurse it with nutrients like keen listening. I'm going to sustain it with careful texts that say "hey, I thought about you today." I'm going to feed it with tidbits of me that are honest and then I'm ready to reciprocate the favor of soul sharing without judgment. I'm not going to make any sudden movements, because slow and steady will win the race of a healthy newborn. In short, let's just say: I met someone. Someone pretty amazing, but I'm taking my time. Warning: Potential Relationship Ahead. Yield & Proceed with Caution.
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