Don't Wanna Be...All By Myself

Maybe it's just the fact that I enjoy being alone sometimes or the sound of silence but there is often this unspoken tension I feel between my roommate and I because he often is the adversary of my silence and alone time. And for reasons that are not his fault, he agitates the hell out of me sometimes as I'm sure I do to him. Simple things like not watching tv but always needing it to be on. Never actually washing dishes while you're here and then have the audacity to say you're going to wash your own dishes when 90% of the dirty things I just scrubbed I had no part in making dirty. Whatever. Maybe it's from the fact that this alleged party animal told one of my friends that I'm boring now and don't go out. But everytime that I do hit a party with you, thirty minutes after we get there you're ready to go. And you're clearly my ride. Furthermore, it's like you talk about wanting simple things and having the means to get them but you would rather not do what's necessary to get what you wany and complain for hours own end.
C:I'm tryna get drunk tonight.
M:Take a shot.
C:I don't take shots.
M:Well then how are you gonna get drunk.
C:I'll do shooters.
C:F*ck you man. I just don't like shots.
M:But you drink way more than me.
C:Whatever. What are we doing tonight?
M:I don't know there's this party in West County.
C:Let's go.
(at the party)
M:Yo homie, you not dancin. Get on that chick right there.
C:I'm gon dance. But I'm just chillin right now. Can I chill?
M:My bad. My bad. I was just sayin....
(two hours later. roomie hasn't moved)
M:Dog, it's 12 o'clock and I'm already f*cked up. Get on the flo man.
C:I'm straight! I'm chillin right now, damn.
M:You good dog?
C:Yeah, I just don't people being all in my face.
M:My bad. You just ain't been out there.
C:I been dancin, dog. What?
(I shrug and walk away. twenty minutes later)
C:Yo, you ready?
M:(dancing)Ummmm, not really.
C:I mean that's cool. But I'm bout to dip.
M:But we just got here.
C:I mean, you can chill here if you want. I'm just ready to go.
M:(frowns)....aight. Whatever. Let's go.
C:I mean if you still dancing you can stay, but I'm finna leave.
M:Whatever, man. It's cool.
We get back in the house and I find myself a lil bit past pissed off because this dude, who seems to go out every Thursday through Saturday never parties whenever the few times I've gone out with him. He's--I hate to say it, but--he's a square. A lame. One of those people that likes to go to parties for sake of saying they went. To say it was kinda fun, but if and when I go out I can't be one of those dudes. They're wack. And I can't kick it, or be made to feel sedentary by a fuckin wallflower.
Moral of the story. Next time we go out somewhere, I'm driving. Or going without him.